Saturday, February 24, 2018

Centro, CTF Fundraiser

Diaper drive for refugee camps

March 9, 10, 11
Friday & Saturday, 10 AM - 5:00 PM. Sunday 12- 5:00 PM

      - Children museum
        1050 Old Pecos Trail,
      - Wallmart Supercenter
        5701 Herrera Drive

RFE to Egypt

The Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) is one of the oldest fellowship programs within Rotary.  It is a program that sends Rotarians with/without a spouse/relative/significant other to another district, usually in another country.  There, they are hosted in the homes of fellow Rotarians for periods ranging from 3 - 14 days.  During that time, they may visit Rotary projects, Rotary Clubs, do some sightseeing, and generally get to know their hosts, their customs and culture, and something of the surrounding area. Then Rotarians from the hosting area come to visit our district, where we do the hosting.
The RFE to Egypt will be from May 1 - 8, 2018, in Cairo. Egypt is an amazing country with an extraordinary history.  Current events are dynamic and this would be a convenient way to experience some of that.  

For further information contact Donna Peace, District 5520 RFE chair at 505-349-8850