Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Just another beautiful morning in Santa Fe...

Tuesday, 6:00 AM - SF Centro & the Downtown club giving a hand to the the Santa Fe Interact Club of Capital high school who raised enough to cover 130 meals for Thanksgiving dinner.

Click on image for better viewing

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Meeting of Oct. 28, 2014

The speaker at our October 28 meeting was Alena Schaim, Executive Director of Impact Personal Safety.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hear, hear

Danny, Centro charter member steps up to the plate and becomes our latest Sergeant at Arms. Thanks Danny. Here in full office regalia and with a younger self at a Centro recent fundraiser along with one of our SF Rotary Interact.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rotary Day

The 3 Santa Fe Rotary Clubs got together with our Rotaract and Interact members for the Miles to End Polio Fundraiser at the Farmer and Art market this Saturday.

Cast - by alphabetical order - Alvin Baca (Albuquerque RC member), Vic Brenneisen (SF-Downtown member), Victoria Bruneni (Santa Fe New Generations Director), Ken Campbell (SF-Downtown member & former D.5520 Lieutenant governor), Jean Constant (SF-Centro member & RI-DAY project coordinator), Cheryl Ford-Mente (SF-Dowmtown President), Megan Hayden (SFHS Interact President), Greg Ross (SF-Centro member), Denise Sanchez (SF-Del Sur Past President), M'Lea Walsh (SF Centro President Elect), Rhonda Williams (SF-Centro President), Danny Winston (Centro member) - Fabienne (Rotary exchange student), Christina (SFHS Interact Past President), Nikita (RI-Centro Volunteer). Soon to come: George & George & David from Del Sur…

Monday, October 27, 2014

Centro goes green!

Clayton Bass, CEO of the Santa Fe Botanical Garden sharing with the development of this priceless project on Museum Hill

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our (RYLA) Robert in the news!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Banner exchange

Visitor Rich Dyson of The Rotary Club of Anchorage East and Centro President, Rhonda Williams exchanging club banners at the meeting of 10-7, 2014

From the desk of our Reporter at Large & Club President - Rhonda G. Williams

September 30 - The speaker was our own Jean Constant, who gave an interesting and entertaining presentation on South Korea, where he recently attended an art & science conference. (By the way, he received the People's Choice award!). About half the attendees that day were visitors and there was so much interest in the presentation, Jean was still answering questions at 9:15 when I got up to get ready to leave!
September 23 - The speaker was District Governor Lonnie Leslie. Special visitors included his wife Ardeth, Lleta Scoggins, Lt. Governor, and Linda Hull, Assistant Governor pictured on the left with Centro Past President Barry Gerst.
September 16 - The speaker was Denise Sanchez, Past President of the del Sur club. She gave a presentation on La Caja del Oro project. The del Sur club raised $1,600 to purchase fun and educational games and activities for the waiting room at La Familia Medical Clinic (our club's foundation was one of the donors). Prior to the installation of these games and activities, including a colorful rug, the room was bare except for plastic chairs and there was literally nothing for the children to do while they waited to see the doctor. The rug can be seen in the right picture.
September 9 - The speaker was Karin Lubin of Quantum Leap Coaching and Consulting. She spoke on "Purpose, Passions and Possibilities!"

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A visit from CA,

Club President Rhonda G. Williams exchanging club banners with Parker Emerson of the Claremont Sunrise Club. Perfect weather to visit Santa Fé, Claremont!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Family of Rotary

The new addition to our Family of Rotary: Alejandro Brooks Gerst. Born 8/31/14 at 4:31 AM 6.9 lbs. & 18.5 inches long. Congratulation Claudia, Barry and Thane.