Friday, September 16, 2016

Club make-up

Centro club member Constant doing a make-up at the Babes Bolyai university. Here in the company of the Cluj-Napoca Rotary Club president, Dr. Petru Adrian Mircea. Great club, great president, great hospitality!

Original fundraising idea

As seen at the Vienna airport. 10, 2016. And it works!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Garrett Robinson, Centro Club president, 2008-2009

Garrett Robinson, President of the Rotary Club of Santa Fe Centro in 2008-2009, passed away on Friday, August 11, 2016.  Garrett founded a Rotary Club in Haiti, then later transferred his membership to our club.  In 2006, he invited me to join the Centro club.  He served as Club President in 2008-2009. We will remember him as a caring father, a warm friend and a great Rotarian.

A service will be held next Saturday, Sept 10, at 11:00 am at the Ascent Bible Church. 2076 Galisteo St.  Santa Fe.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

In our thoughts & prayers

Peggy Crumbacher, wife of honorary member Paul Crumbacher, passed away on August 23.  Paul always passed around the Good News basket and closed with a joke.  We looked forward to those jokes every week.  Paul switched to honorary status when he retired so that he could stay home and take care of Peggy.  A Rosary Ceremony will be at 7 pm on Friday, September 9th. The funeral mass will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 10th. Both services will be held at Santa Maria de la Paz Catholic Church in Santa Fe. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Never too early to start in Rotary!

When your parents are Centro members Claudia and Barry, you know you’re on your way to becoming another great Rotarian!

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Centro has a new banner in its collection! Centro Rotarian Jean Constant did a makeup at the Rotary Club of Jyväskilä, Finland. The President very graciously accepted our banner and donated his club's very own to our club. Created in 1945, the Jyväskilä RC is still one of the most dynamic Rotary clubs of Central Finland. Great club, great Rotarian fellowship too. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Things we do in July

Centro’s family reunion at the occasion of the President’s kick-out party, July 17th at Lourdes’ home. Another great Rotary day in Santa Fe!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

2016 BI-District conference, August 19th and 20th. El Paso, TX

Register now for Districts 5520/4110 most exciting and productive international weekend of the season. Hosted by the El Paso La Vista Club.
Information/ registration on the Bidistrict conference 2016 web page.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Club recent activities

*From left to right
- July 4th, Pancakes on the Plaza event. 9,000 pancake breakfasts served this year!
- President Greg sharing his family archives with the club.
- District Governor Tom Walker presents a Presidential Citation to Club Past-President M'Lea Walsh. 
- Santa Fe High School and Capital High School Interact Clubs’ chartering ceremony.  The Santa Fe High School Interact Club is sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Santa Fe and Santa Fe Centro.

*Text & pictures by our intrepid Club reporter Rhonda Williams

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Way to go Centro!

To celebrate Rotary New Year well, both outgoing and incoming Club Presidents joined forces to represent Centro at the Rotary Club of Albuquerque centennial gala last evening. Thank you M’Lea & Greg. Looks like you were in good Rotarian company too!