From the desk of Claudia, our Club PR chair
• Thursday, January 19th. 8:00 - 9:00 AM. Chocolate Maven.
Club and Club Foundation board meeting. Everyone’s welcome.
• Friday, January 20th. 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Spanish Colonial Museum.
- Induction of our four new members - Louise, Alvin, Doug, and Bob.
- Welcome to our Family of Rotary family newly chartered Interact club at ECO (Early College Opportunities).
You are all invited. You’re welcome to bring family and friends to share the celebration with us. The students will be bringing their parents as well. For direction, please go to
• Thursday, February 2nd. 1:30 PM. ECO. Interact meeting.
M'Lea and Louise will need a couple of volunteers to run the Interact meeting at ECO, Thursday, February 2nd at 1:30 PM. Please get in touch with them if you are available.
• Thu-Sat, February 23-25. RYE (Rotary Youth Exchange) visit.
District 5520 is asking all Rotarians in Santa Fe to help host RYE students for their ski weekend February 23-25. If you are able to host or need more information please contact Fred Schoott at 609-731-2397
Ongoing Activities:
- Books or magazines for La Familia ClinicLa Familia Clinic is looking for used copies of books or magazines for their waiting area. Please get in touch with Rita before bringing your donation to our meetings.
- ECO outreach.
Louise is collecting coats for the youth at ECO school, please coordinate with Louise before bringing your donation to our meetings.
- Rotary Magazines recycling.
Recycle your Rotary Magazines with Claudia or Barry. They will be using them to promote our club at doctor's offices and clinics.
- Box Tops collection for Atalaya Elementary School.
Claudia and Barry are collecting Box Tops for Atalaya Elementary School this will provide field trips for the kids. For more information about Box tops please go to
Monte del Sol Charter School Athletics program.
Claudia and Barry will be selling raffle tickets to help Monte del Sol Charter School and their Athletics program. More information to come soon.
Big THANKS to Rita and all the volunteers for helping with the interfaith shelter on Monday, Jan 9. For more information about the shelter please go to