Thursday, March 23, 2017

Club International Service, March 31, April 1 & 2.

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

We are launching a bring one/send one campaign for diapers
Please bring one pack of diapers and be prepared to “buy” one pack of diapers online
or by check at drop-off locations with a $10 donation.

A local Rotary Club member will be on-site to receive your donation.

- The pack of diapers that you bring will be donated to our local diaper bank run by Food
Depot. You are welcome to bring any brand of diapers you would like.
- The pack of diapers that you buy will be for immediate use by *Carry the Future (CTF)
volunteers throughout camps in Greece, Serbia, and France.
- CTF is accepting donations of new or gently used soft-structured baby carriers (SSCs) such as Ergo, Tula; or Mei Tai for toddlers and older children up to 50 lbs.

We welcome you to write notes of love and hope from one parent to another. CTF volunteers will distribute on your behalf to families living in refugee camps.


- The Children’s Museum: 1050 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe
Friday- 10:00- 5:00// Saturday- 10:00- 5:00// Sunday- 12:00- 5:00
One FREE child admission for every $10.00 contribution to CTF; must be used same day.
- Indigo Baby: (inside The DeVargas Mall) 185 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe
Friday- 10:00- 6:00// Saturday- 10:00- 6:00// Sunday- 12:00- 5:00

*Carry the Future

Carry the Future stands in solidarity with refugee families worldwide by personally providing humanitarian aid to ease their journey while creating meaningful opportunities for global volunteers to be a collective force of action and hope.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9 at 11:00 am - Help celebrate Rotary

A resolution will be presented on the floor of the New Mexico Senate to recognize the 100th Anniversary of the Rotary Foundation and 30 years of Women in Rotary.

Join us for the celebration at the State Capitol Thursday, March 9 at 11:00 am.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Support our team tonite!

Santa Fe High, Basketball Demons, is playing Clovis Tuesday, January 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Roybal Field House,  2100 Yucca St., Santa Fe, NM 87505. 
Our club recent RYLA graduate Everett Robinson - Santa Fe High School, Boys' Varsity Basketball Jersey #33 - is also Mary Robinson’s grandson and son of our late Club president, Garrett Robinson.  

Go Demons!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Menu de Printemps - Club Spring menu

From the desk of Claudia, our Club PR chair


Thursday, January 19th. 8:00 - 9:00 AM. Chocolate Maven.
Club and Club Foundation board meeting. Everyone’s welcome.

Friday, January 20th. 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Spanish Colonial Museum.
- Induction of our four new members - Louise, Alvin, Doug, and Bob. 
- Welcome to our Family of Rotary family newly chartered Interact club at ECO (Early College           Opportunities).  

You are all invited. You’re welcome to bring family and friends to share the celebration with us. The students will be bringing their parents as well. For direction, please go to

Thursday, February 2nd. 1:30 PM.  ECO. Interact meeting.
M'Lea and Louise will need a couple of volunteers to run the Interact meeting at ECO, Thursday, February 2nd at 1:30 PM. Please get in touch with them if you are available.

Thu-Sat, February 23-25. RYE (Rotary Youth Exchange) visit.
District 5520 is asking all Rotarians in Santa Fe to help host RYE students for their ski weekend February 23-25. If you are able to host or need more information please contact Fred Schoott at 609-731-2397 

Ongoing Activities:

- Books or magazines for La Familia Clinic 
La Familia Clinic is looking for used copies of books or magazines for their waiting area. Please get in touch with Rita before bringing your donation to our meetings.

- ECO outreach.
Louise is collecting coats for the youth at ECO school, please coordinate with Louise before bringing your donation to our meetings.

- Rotary Magazines recycling.
Recycle your Rotary Magazines with Claudia or Barry. They will be using them to promote our club at doctor's offices and clinics.

- Box Tops collection for Atalaya Elementary School.
Claudia and Barry are collecting Box Tops for Atalaya Elementary School this will provide field trips for the kids. For more information about Box tops please go to

Monte del Sol Charter School Athletics program.
Claudia and Barry will be selling raffle tickets to help Monte del Sol Charter School and their Athletics program. More information to come soon.

              Big THANKS to Rita and all the volunteers for helping with the interfaith shelter on Monday, Jan 9. For more information about the shelter please go to

Centro 2016 Christmas Party

Few pictures from CPP and photographer emeritus Rhonda at the occasion of the Club Christmas social hosted by Club Immediate Past Prez, M'Lea, Dec 18, 2016.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Centro - Community outreach

Team Centro at work in the community last weekend. Good job guys!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday Dec 6. Cafe Sonder, 7:45 AM

Tuesday Dec 6. 
Club regular meeting - Cafe Sonder at 7:45 AM
Want to check the breakfast menu ahead of time?

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Holiday Social

SUNDAY DECEMBER 18, 2016 5:00 P.M. for our Holiday Party.

Our theme will be a Down Home Southern Fried Celebration featuring regional cuisine like chicken and dumpling's, collard greens, green bean casserole with fried french onions for a continental flair, vibrantly colored congealed salads, sweet potato casserole with melted marshmallows, brown sugar and pecans on top, ambrosia, sweet tea and Sunday School lime sherbet punch (bring your own spike). M’Lea Walsh, the embodiment of a Southern Lady, will prepare a menu to assign dishes at Tuesday’s meeting.  No hats in the house or feet on the furniture.  No backtalk or sass.  Remember also, NO TOFU, pesto, sprouts or fluffy or healthy fare.   

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Festive Kwanzaa Y'all.

Gregory S.H. Ross, 
Centro Club President

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Centro Bell ringing

Barry will be coordinating the bell ringing duties Saturday, December 10, from 9-4 at Smith's on Cerrillos Road. He is looking for members to cover the first 2 hours of ringing.

The downtown club will be handling two entrance in front of Walmart the same day.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Centro meeting, Tuesday Nov 29, 8-9AM at Cafe Sonder

Next regular club meeting, Tuesday, Nov 29, 8-9AM 
Cafe Sonder (formerly Zia Diner) 
326 S. Guadalupe St, Santa Fe.

Please join us for a great breakfast and warm Rotarian fellowship